


输入三个"*" ,按回车,出现虚线,

同时按住"shift alt 向上的箭头",段落文字上移,同时按住"shift alt 向下的箭头",段落文字下移。
“shift F3”改变字母的大小写。
“Ctrl F”打开word导航搜索框,通过这个快捷键,我们可以更方便的查找我们文档中的内容。
“Ctrl 1”单倍行距 。
“Ctrl 2”双倍行距。
“Ctrl 5”1.5倍行距。
In our study, life and work, we often use word. This office software is simple and complex. The simplicity is that we can easily edit text, etc. The complexity is that it has some advanced and deep logic and can use the little skills to achieve Double the result with half the effort.
1. Quickly generate random text
Sometimes we use a large paragraph of text in Word to test, or to demonstrate some operation steps in Word to others. The documents in the computer are not convenient for demonstration. We will enter a large paragraph of text on the computer randomly, such a sentence It is not smooth and it will take a little time. At this time, we can call the function in word to quickly generate random text.
Switch the input method to English first
Enter "=rand()" in a blank page, press Enter, and a large section of text will be generated.
If you have requirements for the number of paragraphs and the number of sentences in each paragraph, you can also enter "=rand(x,y)", press Enter, x refers to the number of paragraphs, and y refers to the number of sentences in each paragraph.
2. Quickly draw dividing lines
Enter three "_", press Enter, a straight line appears,
Enter three "*", press Enter, a dotted line appears,
Enter three "~", press Enter, a wavy line appears,
Enter three "=", press Enter, a double straight line appears,
Enter three "#" and press Enter. Three bold lines appear in the middle.
3. Quickly move the entire text up and down
Hold down "shift alt up arrow" at the same time to move the paragraph text up, while holding down "shift alt down arrow" to move the paragraph text down.
4. Other shortcut keys
"shift F3" to change the case of letters.
“Ctrl F“open the word navigation search box, through this shortcut key, we can find the content in our document more conveniently.
“Ctrl 1”single line spacing.
”Ctrl 2” double line spacing.
"Ctrl 5" 1.5 line spacing.