英国养猪场收入大幅下降 英国养猪业半年损失10亿元

三农助农2022-06-26 21:14:44未知

英国养猪场收入大幅下降 英国养猪业半年损失10亿元

  UK - The average Farm Business Income (FBI) for specialist pig farms is set to fall in 2015/16 by 46 per cent year on year, from 49,400 to 26,500, according to the latest forecasts from Defra.This is the largest year on year decrease on record and would represent the lowest FBI for pig farms since 2007/08. At that time, animal feed prices were increasing while pig prices were falling, which forced many English pig farmers out of business.The sharp fall that has been recorded this year reiterates the downward sentiment of the GB pig market at the moment. Indeed, with pig prices falling particularly sharply in recent weeks, the final FBI estimate may end up being lower still.



